Monday 29 June 2009

Who do we hold responsible

Lets see Gordon re-invents himself, Dave responds and they expect us to believe and follow along. Mandy meddles makes statements, corrects himself, sorry clarifies his original statement and the following statement and we are supposed to just follow along.

What did we do to allow such a morally bankrupt inept group of second and third rate intellects to attain power in the country?

I will step up straight away and hold my hand up, I disengaged from UK politics, with the demise of Thatcher and the rise of Major. I voted for Major against Kinnockio, simple to make sure the Welsh git did not get in, well that worked out well he just came in through the back door, yes one look at Glenys and you know he is laughing at us. Had Smith been the Labour leader it may have been different as I suspect would have been the current state of the country.

Kinnock would have been a one term wonder going rapidly to the far left leading to either a new conservative or hund parliment but we definately would not have had this shower on either side of the house.

So who do we blame if not ourselves. Tarzan is a name that sporings to mind, for the younger set this was the name given to Michael Heseltine partly for his hair and partly for his proclivity to grab the mace and try to club people.

He is the man that did for Thatcher and bought in Major who begat Blair who begat Brown.

Simplistic? Probable but accurate as most solutions are. Fair possible though it was probable that Thatcher would not have stood again as leader as the strain of the years would have probable come through.

So where would we be now. Don't really know but it would have to be better than this.

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